Good Network


The fundamental challenge of Good Move is to reestablish the balance between the car mode and other modes of travel in order to improve the routes of active modes as well as the performance of surface public transport. The Region must have well-developed, structured, legible and efficient transport networks. The improvement of the living environment in the Region depends on their reorganisation, rationalising transit traffic and promoting the modes best suited to the urban context. To do this, the Region is developing its actions on the networks according to three components:

  • Optimise the use of existing infrastructure to ensure the fluidity of all modes of transport;
  • Develop and improve the various networks, in particular by creating routes for pedestrians, cyclists and heavy goods vehicles, in addition to new public transport lines;
  • Guarantee a good level of service for the various networks, infrastructure and equipment through preventive management and regular maintenance.

Discover the projects in Brussels.

Brussels Mobility has developed technical guides to assist project managers in the development of public space.


The maps for the multimodal specialisation of roads

The Region has developed a strategy to establish clear priorities for sharing roads, known as the "multimodal specialisation of roads". This process integrates all modes of travel, defining a structuring network for each of them (pedestrian, bicycle, public transport, motorised traffic (car) and heavy goods vehicles).

The approach developed is based on controlling traffic demand with the aim of rebalancing the distribution of the public space for the benefit of all users and promoting active forms of mobility and the use of public transport. The design of the different networks and the rules for them to coexist in the public space follow the STOP principle (stappen, trappen, openbaar vervoer and private vervoer), i.e. walk-bike-public transport-car.


The Region has produced maps that can be used to specify the location of the plan's mobility networks. These are created in consultation with the municipalities, and approved by the Brussels Government. Below are the versions approved by the Government on 5 March 2020.

Three levels per network:

  • PLUS :  for the major travel routes on a metropolitan scale,
  • CONFORT : to complete the networks and ensure service to the various zones of the capital,,
  • QUARTIER : to ensure fine service to districts and urban functions allowing both the performance of each network, as well as their proper integration into the public space.

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